Sarah Speaks

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

wake me up when october ends

its been about 2 weeks of fasting month. another 2 weeks to go! i really hope to lose some pounds. although i really doubt i will cos ive been lacking in excercise. i used the treadmill a week ago for 3 days in a row. then, jadi malas. plus, dont have enough energy during the day to do it. pastu, at night, after terawih, lepak apa semua, i get sleepy. hmm..think of something sarah.
im gonna be goin to UIA matriculation centre in a couple of weeks. nervous like hell. itll be like the 1st day of school again. i need some baju kurungs, cos according to the buku they give, kena pakai baju kurung for classes, which is satu masalah negara, cos i only have 3 pasang! bagus punye sarah. now i need to go tempah some. sheeesh, menyusahkan jek. and we're suppose to wear white tudung, which i dont have either. but thats no prob, im sure i can find some in these couple weeks. i cant wait to start learning again. havent had that feeling of having something serious to do in a while. so, im ready to take up the challenge. i hope i do okayla.
ive packed up some of my stuff. and it accumulated to this really huge bag. i wonder if everyone else brings that much shit, or am i the only one? tak taula. i need some toiletries, stationary, baju kurungs and tudung. we'll be going to bkt merah hopefully tomorow after we come back from court..yup..court..but thats confidential information. sorry. :P. write more some other time. gotta wake up early tomorow.