LANGKAWI was beautiful. Although Ive already been there before, about 10 years ago, but there were things that i didnt see then that i see now.
we left uia around 2.00 am on 20/nov morning. the bus was a little late, but it was worth it cos the bus was DAMN COOL man. fully equipped with KTV, microwave, fridge (yang takleh dibuka), sofas in the back seat, and a table for wine and dine baby. me and lena cop the seats kat belakang, best gler tido. haha..this bus was like a limo..or shall we just call it..a 'busmo'?
watched 'syurga cinta' while on the bus. my rating : 4/10. :P.
anyhoots, enough about the bus. we reached kuala perlis around 9.00 am +, and had a ferry to catch at around 10.00am. so, we waited around at the kedai mkn, minum2 and stuff. lena got attacked by the teh susu panas, it was hilarious. haha. ;-).
we reached our hotel safely at around 12.00 pm. sampai2 kat bilik, kak nono made some maggi, and we ate our 'lunch'. 2.30pm dah nak kena get ready for ISLAND HOPPING..