Sarah Speaks

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

mummys day

opah is whistling while sleeping. HAHA. cant help giggling to myself.
we only celebrated mums day today cos parents jus came back this morning. got some cyder and cinamon buns [which me and keena made til about 2am last nite] out. ofcourse, that was a pre-celebration. abah and keen went out at nite and got a cake. yummy cake. yummier if it was ice cream cake. went to a friends house for a while. just realised..havent gone to jusco for more than a week! thats quite long considering its only five minutes walk from here. [opah mumbled something just now in her sleep..sounded like..'mdisajhnjue'..] i should be sleeping nowlaa. wat to do? cannot sleep siax. had a 3 hour nap in the afternoon..opah going back tomorow. yay! um..i mean..yay? no offense. i kinda miss the privacy. havent had it for more than a week. i really need it once in a while. im out.

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