Sarah Speaks

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

confucius say "Many recieve advice, only the wise profit by it"

my fortune cookies said that. wonder what it means? *stares up in the air, blankly*.
another episode of my boring life..
well, skins changed. after 3 months of that 'shoot me' shit. something went wrong with it i guess. words all over the places. so now im back to my 1st ever skin. woopay.
nothing much going on. sometimes feel sick of staying at home. Walmart called me for an interview. hope i get the job. need some cash man!
we checked out the daycare for sue, and it was 110 bux a week. sure if we had a shit ass lot of money we'd send her, but nope. but she was hoping to go so much. she wants to go so much. so kesianla.
checked out YMCA. they goy gyms and hangout rooms and pools. nice place.
brought rizvi's treadmill out. haha. why not put it to use eh? its not like we're gonna break it. heavy duty shit i tell ya.
anyway, hell with this. at least for today. my interview thingys on thursday. aunty linas comin on saturday for the arts festival downtown which'll start wednesday. hope its the bomb. peace out.

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